IRA Qualified Investments

Using Your IRA To Invest

Over 25% of our investors use their IRA to invest in Mergercrowd Term Investments. Our investors know compounding IRA’s with higher return rates dramatically grow IRA investments over time.

Most private investors are unaware of the investment options available to them through the IRA. Most large, mainstream IRA custodians have a vested interest to only allow investments in stocks, bonds, or mutual funds.

The reason is simple – they earn a commission on those types of investments. However, most IRA owners can invest in a variety of asset classes with their IRA – including gold, real estate notes, private stock offerings, and even real estate.

In order to so, you will need to open an account with an Independent IRA custodian. We have relationships with some of the larger Independent IRA custodians throughout the country that offer ALL of the allowable investment options, including Mergercrowd Term Investments.

Many of these IRA custodians have several billion dollars in total IRA accounts, and have been around for generations. Please consult them directly for account and fee information.

As a courtesy, Mergercrowd will assist you with the forms and procedures necessary to process your investment through an independent IRA custodian. We have worked with all of them. Please give us a call for more information.